
Understanding Your Urinary Health

At Dr. Michael Oefelein's practice, we offer the UroCuff Test, a cutting-edge diagnostic tool designed to assess urinary function and diagnose issues such as urinary incontinence and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The UroCuff Test is non-invasive, quick, and provides immediate results, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of your bladder function.

What is the UroCuff Test?

The UroCuff Test measures bladder pressure and urine flow during urination, helping to identify the underlying causes of urinary difficulties. This advanced test is particularly beneficial for patients experiencing:

  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary urgency
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Weak urine stream
  • Incomplete bladder emptying

How Does the UroCuff Test Work?

  1. Preparation: The patient is asked to arrive with a comfortably full bladder.
  2. Testing Procedure: A special cuff is placed around the penis (for men) or the urethral area (for women). The patient then urinates into a flowmeter.
  3. Data Collection: The cuff measures the pressure within the urethra while the flowmeter records the urine flow rate.
  4. Immediate Results: The data is instantly analyzed to provide a detailed assessment of bladder and urinary function.

Why Choose Dr. Michael Oefelein for the UroCuff Test?

Dr. Oefelein is dedicated to providing personalized care and utilizing the latest technology to improve patient outcomes. With extensive experience in urology, Dr. Oefelein ensures that each patient receives a thorough evaluation and a customized treatment plan based on the UroCuff Test results.

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